Arts Entertainments

Healthy Aging: Centenarians and Seniors Can Live Healthy, Active, and Fulfilling Lives – And So Can You

Centennial and supercentennial studies have taught us more than we ever knew before about the aging process and what keeps us alive. Four Blue Zones, regions of the world with the oldest inhabitants, have been identified. These four areas are: Okinawa, Japan; Sardinia, Italy; Loma Linda, California. And the Nicoya Peninsula in Costa Rica. o…


Blanchard grinding versus precision grinding

When we need to manufacture a material with a desired finish and dimension, we use the grinding machining process. There is a wide range of smoothing methods, so it is important to choose the right machining process for your intended application. Failure to do so could jeopardize the quality and outcome of your project. Two…

Home Kitchen

Save money by using granite scraps

Natural stones excavated from mines and quarries such as granite have been a common building material today. The beauty and hardness of these stones make it a suitable material for home renovation and construction. However, granite can be quite expensive, with prices ranging up to $ 70 per square foot excluding installation. Not all homeowners…

Digital Marketing

Creating a targeted prospecting strategy

Creating a targeted prospecting strategy is the biggest prospecting issue faced by marketers in the recent 2017 survey by Richardson Co. The survey was divided into 6 categories; Prospecting, Negotiation, Closing, Buyer Decisions, Productivity and Team Sales and I commend you for your research and efforts. In future articles, I will share with you my…