
When should you leave your church?

Let’s be honest. Too many people move from church to church too often and often for the wrong reasons. What are some of those wrong reasons? Here are ten that I can think of: 1. There is a person in that church that I don’t like. We just don’t get along. 2. The pastor is…

Tours Travel

Top 10 Summer Skin Care Tips

While lounging in the sun can feel wonderful, the harmful UV rays that come from the sun are doing not-so-wonderful things to our fragile skin. UV rays not only destroy the collagen in our skin, giving us wrinkles, dry patches, and generally accelerating the aging process, they can also (and more seriously) cause skin cancer….


The Dangers of a White Trash Diet

According to the latest statistics from the United States Center for Disease Control (CDC): 66% of adults over the age of 20 are overweight (including obese) 32% of adults over the age of 20 are obese 17% of teens ages 12-19 are overweight 19% of children ages 6-11 are overweight Those are really horrible statistics….

Health Fitness

Kettlebell Safety Tips

Kettlebell workouts are pretty impressive. They engage multiple muscle groups and burn a lot of calories. But to get the most out of your workouts, there are some key safety tips to keep in mind. Choose the right kettlebell The first step to using kettlebells safely is choosing the right one, and there are a…