Tours Travel

Female sexuality over the years

Throughout the years, normal female sexuality has walked through fields of thorns and excruciating pain inflicted by culture and ignorance. Elite medical and psychiatric professionals were the vanguard of bestial cruelty. It was a widespread medical contempt for very normal female sexuality that was also found in public life and literary works. In the 19th…


How to make easy money online

Human beings have always wanted to earn as much money as possible with as little effort as possible. This basic human desire has led to fantastic inventions, but this desire has always been there, but it has remained utterly and utterly tenuous. Once the internet hit its prime, this momentum, if anything, became more intense…


10 things you can do to help save the bees

1. Stop using insecticides, especially for ‘cosmetic’ gardening. There are better ways to deal with pests, especially biological controls. Modern pesticides are extremely powerful, and many are long-lasting and highly toxic to bees and other insects. Removing all unnecessary pesticides from the environment is probably the most important thing we can do to save bees….

Health Fitness

Power up with plyometric training

Improve conditioning, increase muscle development, and propel your physique to new heights! While these moves may seem more suitable for the playground, they are actually beneficial for those of us who are a few years past playing time. These explosive activities are collectively called “plyometrics.” Simply put, plyometrics works to train your muscles to produce…