5 types of affairs

I didn’t know there were so many different kinds of adventures.

That one could really be Unfaithful in all these forms of affairs.

Let’s spell them out.

Adventure types

There are many different types of affairs. Some can be purely sexual, some can be purely emotional, and some can be a mix of both. Some people also refer to love affairs as cheating.

The most common types of issues that people get involved in are the following:

1. Casual

This relationship is purely based on lust. Usually there is little to no feeling involved. It occurs between two people who have decided before starting the adventure that they will only engage in sexual relations. There are also no expectations.

2. Romantic

Romantic affairs are typically known as affairs of the heart. This happens between two married people or a married person and a single person. In this case, there may be some unrequited feelings.

3. Emotional

Emotional issues are considered the worst and most hurtful type of issues, since deep emotions are involved. The spouse who is being cheated on is more affected because such matters are more intense and have the ability to become more than just a sexual link between two parties.

A platonic relationship is also sometimes known as an emotional affair. There may not be a sexual relationship or all the other romantic aspects of the relationship. Still, a person may be emotionally getting too close to someone other than their partner, and worse still, hiding it. Even this type of affair can have detrimental effects on a relationship or marriage.

4. Cyber

These issues have become more common in recent times due to how common the internet and social media have become. Cyber ​​matters are the easiest to involve and hide from partners. A cyber affair occurs through online chat rooms, emails, text messages, or webcams. There may be no physical cheating, but it may have a sexual or emotional undertone. It can also happen between two people who have never met and know nothing about each other, since anyone can be anonymous on the Internet.

5. Sanctioned

This type of adventure is more than just an adventure. It is an arrangement made by two people in a relationship. One or both agree to have affairs with other people. The couple agrees on the type of sex allowed. Sanctioned matters include polyamory, swinging, and dating.

It is also sometimes known as an open marriage in which couples allow themselves to be romantically involved with other people.

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