
Gift cards: the pros and cons

Everyone loves receiving and giving gift cards for special occasions. They reduce the stress of worrying if the recipient will like the jeans or shirt you bought them. They eliminate the fake smile and “I can always wear a new pair of jeans” routine from the person receiving the gift. However, beware of risks and…


How to hire a part-time driver

An experienced driver can provide considerable benefits for a company, but often comes with a high salary range. If your company needs the financial guidance and support of a controller, but also needs to save money, a part-time controller is your answer. Hiring a first-time outsourced controller or CFO can be difficult to navigate if…


Do business in multiple states

During the incorporation process, you may hear terms such as “foreign corporation,” “foreign LLC,” or “qualifying,” depending on the type of entity being formed. However, the term “foreigner” does not relate to another country, but to your state of origin. This means that if your business is incorporated as a corporation or limited liability company…


It is wise to use Visa!

Asia is booming, and it is India and China that are driving its growth. During the recession, we expect our economy to grow at least 6%. Jobs have started to return to the market. At a time when people in other countries are moving from sedans to hatchbacks, Audi, BMW and RR are recording 100%…


Wait Marketing: Communicate at the right time in the right place

WHY ADVERTISE WHILE CONSUMERS WAIT? – Advertising is welcome. Advertising annoys consumers… except when they’re waiting. A Swiss survey confirms that traditional advertising, expensive and saturated, is rejected by consumers. TV commercials annoy 3 out of 4 consumers. Mailings and Internet advertisements annoy more than half of consumers, the same for radio, although radio broadcasts…


Foreclosure vs. Short Sale

If you’ve fallen behind on your mortgage, your home is currently under water, or you don’t anticipate being able to keep up with your home payments, then two options to consider are foreclosure or a short sale. While both can have a negative effect on your credit score, they both act differently. Here’s a closer…


Sampling – Garbage In, Garbage Out (GIGO)

The object of market research is to find information that generally refers to people’s opinions about something or someone. It is almost always impossible to poll (ask) everyone who might matter, say every possible voter. In this example, all possible voters would understand the “universe”. Instead, market researchers examine a part of the universe. That…