Lifestyle Fashion

How to make boric acid suppositories

I have been a victim of recurring yeast infections and bacterial vaginosis infections and have tried everything under the sun to cure myself of this horrible problem. Over the counter drugs [tried them] prescription drugs [tried them] change in diet [tried it] home remedies [tried most of them]. After all these things, I was still…

Lifestyle Fashion

Homemade face masks: are they worth it?

You’ve probably seen it on Pinterest. He may have even tried one or two of the homemade mask recipes he found online. Egg whites mixed with lemon juice that promise to shrink pores and tighten skin. Banana masks promise clear, glowing skin based on the ingredients contained within their yellow peel. But are these masks…

Lifestyle Fashion

The health benefits of curry

Basically, the medical benefits of curry stem from its richly spiced ingredients; here’s the breakdown of the common spices found in curries (and their benefits): Turmeric, the main ingredient in curry, is recognized by its yellow color. A member of the ginger family, turmeric has long been associated with its healing properties. Used as a…