Critical Thinking: Does the establishment control people by keeping them in a state of confusion?

For a long time, the establishment was able to control what most people could and couldn’t find out. There were many ways this happened, some being more obvious than others.


One way was through the creation of a school curriculum that only taught certain things. Two other ways this happened was by controlling what books were published and what was being talked about in the mainstream media.

A plataform

A more subtle way was through movies, documentaries, and even the music that was produced. Due to the nature of this form of media, it may seem that the main purpose was simply to entertain.

This is why movies are such a great way to influence people, as this can be done without them realizing what’s going on. Along with this, many people would be exposed to this form of ‘entertainment’.

Is no different

At the same time, there is a very good chance that very few people thought they were being indoctrinated when they were in school, or that the book or newspaper they were reading was doing the same thing. So it was no different than if a doctor gave them medicine; they would have just swallowed it whole.

a big problem

You could say that all this was working perfectly and then the Internet appeared. Thanks to the Internet, people had the opportunity to consult a wide range of information.

Some of this information was in line with what they had been told, while other information was not. So while this was great for anyone who loved to learn and those with a critical mind, it wasn’t great for those who wanted to control the citizenry.

Other part

Furthermore, what has also made a difference is that many people are now able to film and capture their experiences and share what they see online. This not only allows the citizenry to keep an eye on their fellow citizens; it also allows them to expose what the system is doing.

Taking all this into account, it could be said that almost all citizens have been given the ability to be well informed and to have a lot of influence, and that is the last thing the establishment wants. However, the establishment has not been taking this lying down.

A series of tools

One thing the establishment has been doing to regain control over what people believe or don’t believe is cracking down on free speech. Under the guise of removing ‘hate speech’ they have been able to limit what people are exposed to: websites, videos and books have been removed.

Something that has taken a long time to achieve is eroding in a very short period of time. They have even managed to convince so many people that free speech is a bad thing.

Take it off

If something is true or accurate, you will be able to tackle anything you set your mind to. However, if something has weak foundations, it won’t be able to handle anything that challenges it.

So it makes perfect sense that certain information should be banned or else this information would expose the lies that the system distributes on a daily basis. Having information like this available is too risky; it is much better to ban it altogether.

a disoriented state

However, banning the information will not be enough, especially if many people can see what is happening and decide to resist what is happening. What also needs to happen is to put as many people as possible in a state of confusion so that they don’t know what’s going on, and if they don’t know what’s going on, they won’t be able to function. much less resist what is happening.

This is exactly what the establishment has been doing, with this being something that has been described as the big investment. For example, things that used to be seen as self-evident and not even talked about are now seen as wrong and openly discussed.

The Cinderella Technique

This has been described as ‘up is now down’ and ‘right is now left’, which has resulted in many people becoming confused and doubting their own perceptions. Just like a machine that doesn’t work properly, they can end up malfunctioning.

The society in which they live will have been deceiving them, which means that their perceptions will have been invalidated day after day. Then one can end up in a position where the ground has been pulled out from under their feet, with no firm foundation to stand on and they won’t know what to believe or what is happening, which will stop. preventing them from thinking clearly and then doing something about what is happening.


Ergo, the establishment not only does everything it can to divide the citizenry; they also do what they can to ruin your ability to function. One way of looking at this would be to say that someone’s mind can end up like a computer that has a virus; it will not work correctly.

The key here will be for someone to realize what’s going on, to see that there’s a reason they’re in a state of confusion and that it’s because of what they’re being exposed to. With this understanding, one will see that there is nothing wrong with them and will reduce the amount of time they allow themselves to be exposed to certain types of media.

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