How to Play Rhythm Guitar Creating Dynamics in Your Rhythm Guitar Playing

Create rhythmic changes

Using rhythmic changes in the rhythm of your guitar is one of the easiest ways to create dynamics. Modifying a simple rhythm from straight eighth notes to using an unusual rhythm pattern will create an interesting effect to liven up your performance. This technique is called syncopation and it is not only difficult but if you have a mediocre time it will be a difficult task to complete.

This technique is used extensively in playing jazz guitar in a band context. The rhythm guitarist sometimes plays off the beat while the bassist and drummer play on the beat. Sometimes even the lead guitarist will play off the beat while the rhythm, bass and drums play the beat, again this creates interesting dynamics in the context of a band.

By changing the number of notes you play in a single measure while playing lead guitar, you can create interesting rhythmic sounds. For example, in a technique called 7 over 4, he plays 7 notes within a single bar of 4/4 music. This causes a lap every 3 bars. Play around with these different ideas to create interesting dynamics in your playing.

Change the tone of your guitar

Use your pick to create changes in the volume and sound of the strings with your pick. By playing the strings very hard you will get a snapping sound added to the note to give it a percussive feel. Stevie Ray Vaughn was known for this percussive sound. He can also play very softly creating a smooth sound for almost romantic settings.

You can also choose to use different selections. Picks are made from many different materials and are available in different thicknesses. If you’re playing acoustic rhythm guitar, you may prefer a light plectrum to get a little punch to the strum sound. If you’re playing lead guitar, you may prefer a heavier pick to allow for a quicker response time when playing fast.

If you’re playing electric guitar, you can adjust the tone and volume knobs to create interesting dynamics in the sonic space. Listen to the other sounds of the band. Need more ups and downs? Adjust the tone and volume knobs to accommodate missing elements or to make them stand out more or less.

Dynamics in a band environment

As you play in a band, you should start to consider the dynamics of each song. Analyze the song from beginning to end and pay attention to the flow of the song. Like a movie, a good song will tell a story that starts with an introduction, builds on the story, and then somewhere along the lines there is a climax, and ends with a resolution. The band should be able to mimic this flow in the context of a song with different dynamic techniques. At the beginning, maybe not all the instruments are playing and they all enter later in the song. Sometimes the guitar will create some distortion during the climax of the song or the guitar may start out playing single notes and progress to playing full chords as the song progresses.

The number of ways to use dynamics is literally only hampered by your own imagination. The possibilities are limitless. Take some time in your practice routine to think about the dynamics of your playing and work to incorporate new techniques into your repertoire. Also take the time to analyze other players and songs and pay attention to the dynamics. You will be amazed at what begins to appear before you that you have never noticed before.

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