I finally have my website! I’m so happy but now everyone tells me I need to do SEO. What I can do?

Does this situation sound familiar to you? Every day millions of new webmasters embark on this path, which seems to be hard because it is full of obstacles from the beginning. One of these first hurdles is SEO.

What is it? SEO is nothing more than Search Engine Optimization, a technique that allows webmasters to obtain good positions in the results of these search engines when a search related to the theme of their website is carried out. A good SEO is the difference between appearing on page one of the Google search engine or on page 34. And what can I do to make my website SEO friendly? You can do on-page SEO, the first step in helping search engines “digest” your website easily. This is a simple article so those who still do not understand what SEO means can take a safe course in the correct application of this technique that is so important in the development of a website.

On-Page SEO

What is On-Page SEO? On-page SEO is simply changes we can make to a page so that the search engine can “understand” it better. There are three main aspects of this process. We assume that you have a basic understanding of HTML and HTML tags, and also that you own and know how to use an HTML editor.

Note: You must do these steps for every single page on your website!

appearance 1

QUALIFICATION. This is the best tool to help search engines digest your web page. To make a good headline, follow these steps.

1. Keep the length of the title between 40 and 66 characters and, if possible, always include the name of your website or company at the end. EXAMPLE (Look for these tags in your html and if they don’t exist, create them between tags and…)

“Tips and Tricks for SEO Friendly Websites. Mywebsite COM”

2. Include at least two keywords in the title. See the example above, it shows “SEO” “Tips”

3. The title must be a readable sentence.

4. Do not include many keywords in the title. This can be cataloged by search engines as spam and therefore your site will be penalized.

Note: Make your title tag exciting! This is the first thing users will read on your site.

look 2

DESCRIPTION. The description tag will tell users the same thing as the title, except that the description tag can be a bit more explicit. The length of the description must not exceed 250 characters. Always try to include the same keywords used in the title but keeping the meaning of the phrase. EXAMPLE. (Look for these tags in your html and if they don’t exist, create them between the tags and ..)

“SEO made simple with on-page SEO tips and tricks.”

appearance 3

Delighted. Have at least 200 words of content on each page. If you have more than 200 words, make another page to continue, but try to include 200 on the second page. Search engines, as users can understand when a page has no content. And always try to offer quality content. This ensures that users will come back for more.

If you follow these simple steps you will soon see the difference in search engine results ranking much better in your positions. Enjoy!.

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