Is Mass and Energy interconvertible?

Is Mass and Energy interconvertible?


Mass can be considered to be a property of the physical body and is a measure of its resistance to outward acceleration when any force is applied. When we consider an object mass it also says about its strength in respect to its gravitational forces to all other bodies.

Unit of MASS is kilogram which is kg in short. In the field of physics we cannot consider Mass same as weight thus it cannot be the same thing. It however means that the object will weight less on Moon rather than on earth because the rate of gravity which is low. The object will still have the same mass. Mass is therefore a property that determines the strength of the force.


This is the property by which it can be transferred to a body or system to perform some work or to heat it. It is a conservable quantity. The law of conservation states that Energy can be conserved but not destroyed or created. The SI unit is called Joule. Joule can be described as the energy transferred to a object or system by moving it by a distance of one meter against an external force of one Newton. Most common forms of energy are kinetic energy of any moving body, the potential energy for a object when placed in a field either gravitational or electrical or magnetic, The elastic energy in the objects, Chemical energy when fuel burns and radiant energy from light or thermal energy for the temperature for an object.

How are Mass and Energy Related?

  1. They are closely related. Any object which has mass when placed at fixed momentum, has an equivalent energy amount whose form is called rest energy and also some additional energy which is received by the object. This additional energy will increase the total mass of the object as it increases its energy.
  2. Mass Energy equivalence is the relationship between mass and energy for a system where both the values are compared by constant value and the measurement units.
  3. Energy for any particle = product of mass for the object( m) with the speed of light which is squared( c2)Because the speed of light is very large number in everyday life the formula would apply that a small amount of rest mass will compare to the large amount of energy and thus is not dependent of the matter how it is made. Rest mass is the measure of the mass when an object is in rest.
  4. Mass Energy equivalence was first developed by Einstein who introduced it as a general principle, The formula and other relationships to momentum was later developed by other physicists to describe any relation between the energy, mass and momentum.
  5. If we have particles which do not have mass such as photons but some free particles have both energy and also momentum. The equivalent principle is that energy is lost in the reactions like chemical, nuclear, and others and thus the system loses an incredible amount of mass.
  6. The mass energy equivalence does state that any object with mass have some amount of energy and thus this is applicable also when static, or at rest. In the time it is at rest, the object does not have motion and also has no momentum the mass and energy are same and they only are different in terms of speed of light. A body with no motion has no kinetic energy and it may or may not have other forms of energy. That is for example- thermal or chemical energy. Also they may have potential energy if they are placed in a field which exhibits force.
  7. When we consider atoms we know that the mass of the atoms which go out are less in mass than the ones which go in. The difference will show up in heat and light etc also with some amount of energy.

How to conserve Mass and Energy?

This is an universal process and it holds true for conservation of momentum. This process has been proven in multiple of ways including the conversion of mass into energy specially kinetic energy. There are nuclear reactions and others with particles also which show this. Mass conservation of any system will break down when the energy that is blinded along with the mass of any particle is thus made into energy form and this can include kinetic , radiant and thermal energy.

Learn more:Work and Energy from Class 9 Physics

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