Pregnancy: the psychology of dreams

“Pregnancy dreams are nature’s way of helping a woman through the process of transformation from woman to mother.” – Raina M. Paris, author of The dream book of the expectant mother

Your pregnancy will bring many physical changes, and there are even some stereotypical mental changes that often come to mind, but I’m sure you haven’t thought about what your pregnancy dreams will be yet. I like it.

Or, perhaps you are already experiencing the gradual progression of a strange dance behind closed eyelids and just want to know… What’s going on here? I’m going crazy!

You are not going crazy, I assure you. These dreams are perfectly normal and perfectly healthy; in fact, there is even a science to this profound mind expansion that you should take a closer look at. They are not just dreams, they are a kind of awakening.

Dreams during pregnancy: a profound progression

According to Paris, each of her trimesters will bring with it a different stage of sleep that matches the mental and physical state of her body as it prepares to give birth.

  • Explosions of the first quarter of the past

Any unresolved issues you may have tend to resurface as your body and mind begin to realize that you are about to hit a major milestone in life; one that will hit the reset button in many ways.

  • What to expect: Unresolved issues in the form of childhood memories, ex-boyfriends, traumatic life experiences, or people who revolved around major turning points.
  • Topics: At this stage in your pregnancy, these dreams will represent your vulnerability, which will often be symbolized through nudity. Due to this vulnerability, your mind can react protectively or territorially, which could become a factor within the dream.
  • Second Trimester Bonding and Anxiety

Once you are this far into your pregnancy, you become very aware of the life growing inside of you and begin to bond with your baby as a real person, deeply connected to you. Dreams during pregnancy, at this stage, will reflect that union experience and it will also become a concern for you to protect it.

  • What to expect: Dreams of animals and creatures in Mother Nature, bonding with their offspring, which may be followed by anxiety-filled dreams of leaving their baby somewhere, or being born with some deformity.
  • Topics: These dreams are representations of the bond that is forming between you and your child, which can inspire new fears of losing that bond. These dreams during pregnancy are normal, and simply mean that you care about your child and are worried about him even when he sleeps; a theme that will recur long after the baby is born.
  • Third Quarter Images and Star Status

At this point in your pregnancy, your body and mind are preparing for the act of giving birth as the due date gets closer and closer.

  • What to expect: Vivid images of colossal acts of nature, i.e. tidal waves, volcano eruptions, hurricanes, tornadoes, dam bursts, etc. Celebrities can even show up!
  • Topics: These images are representations of the act of giving birth itself, sometimes they even become less symbolic as you can dream about the whole act of giving birth. As for celebrities, well… you’re the star in this, so maybe you’ll see stars!

It is important to note that no matter how strange these pregnancy dreams may seem, they are perfectly normal symbolism for what you are going through. In fact, in a way, they’re helping prepare you for what’s to come, so pay attention and embrace them!

If you don’t believe me, believe Dr. DiLeo:

“Especially for new mothers, strange dreams are a very real acknowledgment of the emotional investment of a pregnancy. This responsibility can weigh a bit. I explain to my pregnant patients that anxiety-producing strange dreams are simply the way of the psyche .to process everything that the conscious mind is already rationalizing.” – Obstetrician, Dr. Gerard DiLeo, MD

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