Terpene Definition & Meaning

Terpene Definition

Whether you’re a marijuana connoisseur or just want to learn more about the health benefits of cannabis, you’ve probably heard of the term terpene. There are more than 80 different types of terpenes found in cannabis plants, and they can all work together to enhance the health benefits of cannabis products. Terpenes can also act in concert with other Buy terpenes online and cannabinoids, but most research is focused on individual terpenes. For example, linalool provides anti-anxiety effects while a-pinene produces a sense of mental alertness.

Terpenes are chemical substances found in many plants, including those that produce aroma. They are hydrocarbons that have a common chemical formula, C10H16. The molecules they contain are formed by the reaction of two acetic acids. The result is a compound called mevalonic acid, which contains a five-carbon skeleton. Further transformations of this compound yield a true terpene.

Anti-plasmodial properties are among the terpenes’ most notable attributes. Antiplasmodial activity is the main reason that terpenes have been given attention. Researchers have discovered that terpenes inhibit the growth of prostate cancer cells and make tumors more sensitive to radiotherapy. There are several ways to administer terpenes, but topical application is the most common. Regardless of their medicinal benefits, they are safe to use.

Terpene Definition & Meaning

The term “terpene” refers to a broad class of volatile unsaturated hydrocarbons found in plant essential oils, including cannabis. While terpenes are generally associated with cannabis, these molecules are found in many other plants. The compound’s chemical structure is C5H8, making it an isoprene polymer. However, some authors use the term to refer to all terpenoids.

The chemical compounds that make cannabis smell sweet are derived from the terpene profile of the plant. The terpene profile of the plant also serves a dual purpose: it attracts pollinators while deters predators. As such, there are more than 100 types of terpenes found in cannabis plants. Interestingly, terpenes work hand in hand with cannabinoids. For example, limonene can help you relax, while linalool helps elevate your mood. Besides that, common terpenes include caryophylène, myrcene, and pinene.

As cannabis consumers, we’re often interested in the effect that cannabis has on us. And research on cannabis is showing that the right cocktail of terpenes can be more powerful than a single cannabinoid. The entourage effect suggests that the right combination of terpenes and cannabinoids can enhance or suppress each other’s effect. Moreover, cannabis terpenes play a substantial role in tempering THC and other cannabinoids, creating a synergistic effect that boosts the therapeutic value of the cannabis plant.

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