The Art of Money Part 1 – The B Word

I would equate the feeling people get when they hear the word B with the feeling they get when they hear the word diet. They misunderstand them both. For the most part, they mean the same thing to different areas of your life. It is a monitoring process.

Having a budget does NOT mean that you are not spending money or that you have to be frugal. YES means you are watching where all your money is going at all times. (The same goes for being on a diet. It means you’re paying attention to what you eat.)

Million and billion dollar corporations have budgets. The same goes for the federal government. (I’m not going to touch that subject) In addition to having a monitoring system for the money delivered between companies and suppliers with whom they can contract. If you ever want to be successful in managing money, you must learn to control it. Take the time to appropriately allocate funds on a weekly, biweekly, or monthly basis. As well as having a clear idea of ​​your annual goal which can fluctuate based on the growth of your income throughout the year.

Don’t you like math? Too. Learning simple equations will help you budget using Excel-based programs or some type of spreadsheet. Once you learn how to create a spreadsheet with math formulas, all you have to do is enter the numbers and the math will take care of itself. Do you need more help? Then be sure to email me at [email protected] with any questions or comments.

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