Winter motivation in your driving

Hello superstar pilots!

How’s it going? I trust super well, and you love where you are! Just got back from a wonderful weekend in the snow with my extended family and the Ebony Park team, I love the winter weather and playing in the snow.

I know that for some people winter can be a time when they can lose motivation, so I wanted to share some of my favorite Jim Rohn quotes to inspire you this month! Also a reminder that there is less than a month until spring and 2 months until daylight saving time begins again.

“An immediate reward for a lack of discipline is a fun day at the beach. A future reward of discipline is owning the beach. Unfortunately, most of us would choose today’s pleasure over tomorrow’s fortune.”

Discipline is vital to success. Sleeping in and not riding is rewarding. You can snuggle under your doona, feel warm and happy, and get some more sleep. But you won’t reach your driving goals if you keep making that decision. If you want to be successful in driving, you simply have to make disciplined decisions every day. Put tomorrow’s pleasure ahead of today, and your future self will be eternally grateful. Another quote that might help is:

“It’s easy to wake up in the morning when you wake up eager to move towards your dreams. When you’re excited about life, you wake up long before the alarm goes off.”

You need to make sure you connect with your passion. Don’t think about the pain of going out into the cold or having it rain. Instead, think about the pleasure of galloping down the long side, or taking your first step to give way or groom your horse. Anything you like and want to do. Focus on that and getting up will be easy.

The keys to discipline –“Start small and work your way up to the big ones.”

So instead of getting up at 4am and riding 4 horses before work, start small and just ride one horse. If you want to start riding 5 days a week, maybe start by committing to one trip a week, then two, then three. The trick is to make it non-negotiable. If you are doing three this week, you are doing three this week. At Ebony Park, we are all committed to doing the gym and keeping our bodies fit and strong. The thing is, we all hate the gym! Except Phil. Phil is a strange person who loves the gym. However, for the rest of us, we must use discipline to make sure we get through our workouts. The thing is, if we achieved the goal: 6 workouts a week, none of us would do it, and then we would feel bad about it. So instead we say 2 full body workouts per week. That means we have to do 2 hours of gym during the week. That means we can push ourselves twice a week, or what we prefer to do is 4 workouts a week of 30 minutes. However, if we miss a few days and Thursday comes and we haven’t, we have to squash those hours. The main thing is that we do it. So keep it small and keep those promises private to yourself.

Another quote on discipline:

“Ambitious people know that everything they do and every discipline they adhere to forms the links in the chain of events that will take them to their final destination.”

Moving on to happiness:

“It is not what happens in the world that determines most of your future. What happens, happens to all of us. The key is what you do about it.”

You do not own the sadness of the world. Bad things happen to everyone. The difference between successful and unsuccessful people is that successful people create learnings from disappointments and grow from their experiences rather than allowing past experiences to negatively affect their future. So you’ve had a bad day, so what? Stay disciplined with your goals and do what you said you would do. You can’t live life trying to avoid bad things. The bad is coming. That’s called life, but if you can smile and nod and grow from that, you’ll enjoy it that much more.

“Happiness does not come from big successes, but from small daily accomplishments. What Mr. (Benjamin) Franklin says is that we should be happy with what we have when we seek what we really want. Abraham Lincoln said it best. He said: ‘ You’ll be as happy as you make up your mind. ‘

The goal will never make you happy. The journey is where happiness is found. Life is not about what you get, achieve, or become. It’s about what you did, every day, to make that happen. Don’t get caught up in the cycle of: “When I get a car I’ll be happy, when I get to level 1 I’ll be happy, when I get a new horse … Just stop. Choose to be happy.” right now. As you read these words Just smile. Keep going! I dare you! For those of you who deliberately disagree don’t smile, that’s great, I get it. Why would they want to be happy for no reason? quote that might inspire you:

“It means that big achievements come step by step. It means you have to enjoy the journey. It means you have to enjoy and be proud of your little achievements. It means celebrating who you are becoming in pursuit of your larger goal. And it means doing it all. days “.


“Happiness is receiving and sharing, reaping and bestowing. Happiness is found in taking time to enjoy what has been accomplished: enjoying the plateau, giving yourself credit when you deserve it, patting yourself on the back for a job. well done. Happiness is the here and now. Happiness is not the end result. Happiness is part of the journey. “

For your winter driving success,


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