
The console war: three decades and counting

With the recent release of Microsoft’s Xbox 360 and upcoming releases of Sony’s PS3 and Nintendo’s Wii, similar gamers are becoming more aware of the fierce competition and tactics used by these three major players in the gaming industry. the videogames. It all started in 1972 with a unit you will remember: Magnavox Odyssey. While…


Pros and cons of raising a puppy or dog

If you knew more about what raising a puppy or dog entails and the benefits it brings, would that be something you would consider? The primary goal of parenting is to temporarily house and prepare a puppy or dog for adoption. As with everything in life, there are pros and cons. Decisions must be made…

Real Estate

Tile the wall behind your washing machine

We will assume that you have already tile the floor of your laundry room. Once you’ve cleared the wall, your next option is to attach a sturdy backing, concrete board, or expose the wall. We recommend using a tile called porcelain. The reason is simple, it was manufactured with a 5% water absorption rate. This…