Health Fitness

Burning Desire: Want to lose 5 pounds of fat fast without starving yourself?

Jump-start your metabolism with the following meal plan: Torn. Cutting up. Trituration. All different labels to describe the bodybuilder’s ultimate goal: to shed unwanted body fat accumulation while keeping your hard-earned muscle mass right where it is. Although the oft-prescribed method of eating fewer calories each day while burning additional calories through exercise is certainly…

Lifestyle Fashion

Crush, love and limerence

Graciela waited anxiously in class. She was waiting for Mr. Brown to walk into the classroom with this enigmatic aura that just drove her crazy. Mr. Brown, who happened to be the Geography teacher, could hardly understand the impact his boyish smile had left on the tender mind of his teenage student. He barely noticed…

Shopping Product Reviews

Technology in the retail industry

‘Buy’, the only word women frequent is slowly losing its shine. Nowadays, the whole shopping experience is not so pleasant. From queuing in traffic to getting to the store to find a parking space and ultimately not finding the object of desire you’ve wanted to own, it’s pretty disappointing. Therefore, in today’s competitive market, retailers…


Earn more by investing your money online

Investing your money online can be quite a difficult task, but by learning the basics, you will feel more confident about your investment decisions. By using your computer and a fast Internet connection, you have access to a wealth of information to help you with your online investment decisions. There are many services that offer…

Tours Travel

Travel to France for seniors

There is no doubt that France is one of the most attractive tourist destinations in the world. It has everything from the beautiful streets of Paris to lush green wine country, glamorous beaches, snow-capped Alps, Disneyland and much, much more. France is also a great destination for senior travel in particular, with all sorts of…