Legal Law

How Fashion Affects Celebrity Art

Many people consider fashion to be an art form in itself. The way certain designers can take clothing and sew it together, draping and shaping the image onto the body can be a very beautiful sight. Some clothes are so well made that they are like works of art that people wear every day. There…

Legal Law

A Queens DWI Lawyer – Your Best Defense

Driving under the influence of alcohol and drugs is a serious offense that often has serious consequences depending on the situation. That person is often the cause of car accidents and subsequently takes the lives of innocent people. The state of New York has provided stricter laws for DWI cases, which is mainly due to…

Legal Law

Social Media Marketing – How to use free online tools for site promotion

Discussing, promoting and sharing information are some of the advantages of social media marketing. It includes social networks, social bookmarking, forums, wikis, and blogs. Facebook, MySpace, Plaxo, and LinkedIn are some examples of websites used for social media marketing. Businesses large and small now use social sites as tools to spread brand awareness and discuss…

Legal Law

3 Types of Legal Trusts

Legal trusts have become one of the most common ways to protect an estate. You can shield and distribute assets according to the wishes of the settlor (creator of the trust) and ensure the longevity of a business. In a previous article, we mentioned 3 common types of legal trusts. They included the Qualified Personal…