Legal Law

The last tip from Google AdSense

Imagine searching for the latest Google AdSense suggestion and having it generated at a level that takes you to your own personal Swiss bank account. The idea of ​​having a website that can produce an income stream of untold riches is the dream of every internet marketer. The ideal scenario for any website owner is…

Legal Law

What is RankBrain?

RankBrain is a part of Google’s core algorithm that uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to help filter millions of search results. RankBrain was announced in late 2015, and this algorithm has become an integral part of how Google determines the most useful and relevant results for search engine queries. The concept of machine learning…

Legal Law

Sample testimonials for students and employees

Having a testimonial can increase your chances of getting the job. As there is strong competition among applicants, almost all job candidates require testimonials for the position. By having the relevant experience under your belt, you need to show that you have proven your skills in some organization. You can ask your former employee to…

Legal Law

RIVER EVIL – Jenny Milchman

For years there has been a resurgence in the world of mystery / suspense that I call the Norse Invasion Noir. That movement has been spearheaded by fabulous writers like Stieg Larsson, Jo Nesbo, Camilla Lackberg, etc. Meanwhile, in America, there has been a lesser known but just as powerful new subgenre in the mystery…