
The Purrfect Pets: How Selective Cat Breeding Works

The concept of selective breeding was first discovered in the mid-1800s by the Austrian monk Johann Mendel. He presented two “laws” that fell into obscurity until their rediscovery in the early 20th century. Mendel’s first law stated that if two parents of pure strains cross and differ in a single trait for which one has…


Are Dog Rescue Adoption Leases Turning To Leases?

In my ongoing research on dog rescue groups, I have discovered an alarming change that some groups are making in their adoption contracts. A new article is being added to the contract that effectively gives the rescue group the “right” to Get back the dog you adopted to anytime in the future. A rescue group…


Care and feeding of a Havanese rescue dog

A Great Dane is a huge dog that is a great family dog ​​and can fend off children. A Havanese rescue dog, if you look at the information available, is not a huge dog and would probably have to run away from children. The Havanese does not grow very large, as he is usually only…


10 best places to buy a teacup puppy

People often say that a family is perfect and complete only when there are parents, children, and a lovable dog. One of people’s best options as a pet is a puppy. The reason for this is that puppies have great lovable appeal. The children in the family especially love puppies and they like to play…