Real Estate

15 Reasons Your Business Needs a Mobile App

Digital media has skyrocketed, with Google reporting that 2015 marks the year that mobile web searches have surpassed desktop searches in 10 countries. Mobile has grown so rapidly that it is now the leading digital platform for media consumption. 62% of total digital media activity comes from tablets and smartphones combined, 54% of that activity…

Real Estate

Choosing the Right Mortgage Broker

About half of the deals I do are with a mortgage broker that I recommend. The other half is a draw. Which means I never know who I’m going to work with. Yes, work with. Many buyers think that they will be the only ones working with their lenders, however, as a real estate broker,…

Real Estate

Why SELECT a property?

When one proceeds wisely and in a well considered and focused manner, in many cases, real estate has been one of the best individual financial assets. One would think, because of that, that more individuals would proceed wisely to protect their investment, however, too often, we have witnessed, this is not the case! How we…

Real Estate

Why a home inspection is a must

Whether you are buying or selling a home, there is a great need for a home inspection. As a buyer, this could be your biggest investment around contract negotiations, paperwork, and mortgage loans, among many other topics. Therefore, it can be very frustrating to learn of a problem that was not anticipated with the investment….

Real Estate

How to be a short sale superhero

Yes, you can be a hero and have the best year of your life “One in 10 homeowners is not paying their mortgage.” “One in six homeowners has a reverse mortgage.” “Seven out of 10 homeowners who lose their home to foreclosure did not contact a real estate agent or lender prior to foreclosure.” These…

Real Estate

Do you trust your property developer?

There are many property developers, who are experts in property design and development, planning documentation, etc. Project management is its specialized sector, property subdivision and home plans. Homes, townhouse developments, commercial developments, apartments, warehouse offices, or any new development, they can do it for you. It will coordinate the entire planning and urbanization approval process,…