Real Estate

What Are BIM Modeling Services?

BIM Modeling Services If you’re not familiar with BIM, you should know what these services are. They help architects and designers develop 3D models of a construction project, incorporating information from the real world and the specifications of the client. In the construction industry, this type of information can be invaluable. In addition to being…

Real Estate

4 keys to a killer real estate video

Video is fast becoming an essential element in real estate marketing. Pricing and technology have made video more accessible than ever, and savvy brokers, property managers, and home sellers are starting to take advantage of it. According to the National Association of Realtors, nearly 90% of surveyed homeowners said they would prefer to hire a…

Real Estate

Start an apartment preparation service

An apartment prep service provides the finishing touches to apartment buildings before the next tenant moves in. To have a high probability of getting this business, you should offer as many of the following services as possible: wall washing, carpet cleaning, painting, wallpaper repair, and general cleaning services. Your rates will depend on the individual…