
Potty training through the ages

How things have changed when we look at potty training over the years … Going back in time, potty training and all its drama didn’t exist. Even today, in primitive regions, women carry their children with them all the time and simply hold them when necessary. Like the delivery, it was a natural occurrence, nothing…


Engaging Students in Learning: Tips and Ideas

A brain-based classroom is one in which students are actively engaged in learning. What exactly does it mean for students to be actively involved? It’s certainly not about students completing worksheets, answering basic questions, or taking lecture notes. Take a minute to think about the definitions of these two words. The word active It means…


What are the good tips for parents?

If you’ve ever read a parenting book, you’ve probably read that spending quality time with your child is the way to make sure they grow up healthy and well adjusted. While this is basically true, there are other problems. Sometimes this quality time will consist of going to the movies or eating out and that…


9 healthy juices to drink during pregnancy

If you are looking to maintain a healthy diet during your pregnancy, pregnancy drink recipes / juices may be a good idea. Why Should You Drink Juice During Pregnancy? Eating fresh fruits and vegetables is always recommended and is essential during pregnancy. This is not always a pleasant experience during pregnancy. You may feel nauseous,…


We’re "Sitting" Ourselves to death?

A new study has appeared in the American Journal of Epidemiology that concludes that free time spent sitting can shorten our lives. This study joins a multitude of other similar studies that have concluded the same thing: sitting on the couch watching television or in front of a computer for hours on end will have…