
4 Wheel Advertising

As jobs are scarce and the New Economy tightens its noose around the neck of small business owners, it is fiscally prudent to reduce costs and overhead. The natural inclination may be to cut the advertising budget, as it is one of the largest overheads and may seem to have little impact on the business…


Lessons Learned from Nabisco’s Free The Animals PR Campaign

Nabisco opened the cages and the media started to play. In a move that garnered national media attention, Nabisco decided to change the packaging of Barnum’s Animal Cracker. Several public relations lessons can be learned from Nabisco’s strategy. Some background… The cookie company tweaked their graphics to remove the current look of caged animals on…


For Life Lyrics – Scarred But Smarter

In the mid-1990s I spent a lot of time flying the freeways of Atlanta. I learned that this was the home of veterans of the Drivin’ N Cryin’ tour. Every trip to this metropolis found me packing my car with every Kevn Kinney-inspired D n C gear I owned. The music can really hook you…


PF Tosi’s "Observations on the Florida song" (1723)

“These were the teachings of the school of those teachers whom, with disdain, many mediocre singers now call ancient. Observe carefully their rules, strictly examine their precepts, and if you are not blinded by prejudice, you will see that this school teaches to sing in tune” . , projecting the voice, making the words understood,…