
A brief introduction to artificial intelligence

We all know that Siri, Google Now, and Cortana are smart personal digital assistants on various platforms (iOS, Android, and Windows Mobile). In short, they help you find useful information when you request it using your voice; You can say “Where is the nearest Indian restaurant?”, “What do I have scheduled today?”, “Remind me to…


Latest Trends in Smart TV: Could Apple Win?

Smart TVs are TVs that can retrieve content from the Internet and offer built-in apps for streaming music and movies, apps for social media, apps for news, weather, sports, games, YouTube, and more. In addition to the use of apps, one of the most attractive factors for tech-savvy consumers is voice-activated technology to control televisions….


What is payment processing?

Have you ever bought something electronically? Did you make a purchase on a website? If at any time you participated in an electronic transaction, it is likely that you have interacted with a payment processing system. Payment processors allow the movement of funds from buyer to seller in e-commerce transactions. How do they work? What…


Tips for solving crossword puzzles

To solve crossword puzzles, you need to start by taking steps to prepare. A couple of useful items to have are a dictionary and a thesaurus, so you don’t get hung up on confusing words and phrases. Other necessities are a good, sharp pencil or two, and an eraser. You will also want to sit…