10 dynamic traits of achievers

Are you a successful super-achievement? Considerable research has been done on the characteristics that characterize a successful business owner. Most experts who have studied the subject tend to agree that the single most important factor is an overwhelming need for achievement. In other words, a person’s attitude seems to be the main determinant of success in business, rather than education, intelligence, physical attributes, or having a likeable personality. The key characteristics that have been found to make up the makeup of all successful achievers are:

1. Powerful need to achieve — not to be confused with a mother’s need to exercise power or be loved or admired; How different entrepreneurs “keep score” when assessing their level of achievement varies, and can range from amassing great wealth to creating a better mousetrap;

2. Perseverance — the characteristic feature of fulfilling commitments and not abandoning goals when difficulties are encountered;

3.Positive mental attitude — self-confidence in one’s own abilities that allows a person to remain optimistic in new, unknown and unexpectedly difficult situations;

4. Objectivity — the ability to accurately assess the risks associated with a particular course of action, including a realistic understanding of one’s capabilities and limitations. This includes being willing and able to walk away from an ill-advised project without one’s ego getting in the way.

5. Forecast — the ability to anticipate developments and be proactive, rather than constantly having to react to problems after they arise;

6. Well-developed personal relationship skills — be cheerful and cooperative and able to get along with people, but often out of touch with employees and associates;

7. Strong communication skills. — the ability to communicate well in writing and to make effective oral presentations, either individually or in front of groups;

8.Ingenuity — the ability to solve one-of-a-kind problems in unique or creative ways, including the ability to handle problems for which you may not have had prior training or experience to fall back on;

9.Technical knowledge — broad and comprehensive technical knowledge and understanding, especially with respect to the basic physical processes of production of goods and services

10. A respectful attitude towards money — a tendency not to see it as an end in itself, but rather as a means to make things happen and achieve business goals, or as a kind of objective feedback from the outside world, letting the entrepreneur know if he is in the right way with the business.

So, there you have it… 10 Successful Business Traits. If you see yourself on this list, we’ll be seeing you at the top!

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