10 Surprising Facts Helpful To Increase Your Future Job Salary

1. Position yourself early

Before you ask for a raise, make your value to the company clear: “It shows that you can take on extra tasks, work outside of your job description, and rise to challenges,” he says. “This should make the concept of raising your salary pretty straightforward for most managers. This shows your value to the company and that if some additional funds are needed to support you, it’s worth doing.”

2. Do your research

How is your company doing? Has income increased or decreased? How is your company performing in the stock market? Take the pulse of your company before asking for a raise. “These are all factors that can benefit the conversation you have with your boss.”

3. Get ready

Before you meet with your manager, make a list of your accomplishments, skills, and the value you bring, and be prepared to talk about them. “Whether you’ve been working with a company for six months or six years, you want facts and figures that describe the value you’ve added.

4. Give yourself a pep talk

When you meet with your manager, exude confidence. “Raises don’t just come out of the blue. If you’re at a company that doesn’t have a structured salary schedule, it’s up to you to ask the question.” And do your best to calm your nerves. “You deserve it, and you’re not going to be the first person in your company to ask for a raise. Don’t let your nerves seem like uncertainty.”

5. Don’t make demands.

While threatening to quit if you don’t get what you want may work in some scenarios, it sets a bad precedent for yourself in the future. “You’re really playing with fire here. Even if you get the raise you wanted, your company now assumes you’re good to go and this may cost you more than your raise in the long run.” Instead of taking an aggressive stance, be confident because “aggression makes for awkward conversation, especially if you’re giving an ultimatum, and leaves your boss feeling negative about your job,” she says.

6. Ask for more time, then more money

A day or two will help you figure out what you think of a job offer or renegotiation number and what your next step should be: “Ask for at least 24-48 hours. Silence is golden when you let it hang.” its time after an initial offer. Don’t rush to fill the silent void!” says Meg Montford, career coach and CEO of Abilities Enhanced, a career counseling service.

7. Don’t be discouraged

If your manager left without considering your request for a raise, don’t give up. “Sometimes it takes more than one conversation to get a raise and ‘If it’s not possible today, how do you get there? Then you have to ask your boss what you need to do to get to the next level.'”

8. Get creative

There may not be enough money in the budget for the raise you want. Then think outside the box just because this could include asking for a title change; travel, phone or education reimbursements; or perks like a gym membership. Other options: Ask for an extra week of paid vacation or the ability to telecommute, suggests John Reed, a senior managing director at recruiting firm Robert Half Technology.

9. Go ahead? Avoid the question of salary.

If you’re doing a new task, try to avoid talking about trade-off early in the process and “If you give a number that’s too low, you’ve left money on the table. If it’s too high, you could be out of the game.” running,” he says. “Consider an answer like, ‘That depends on the requirements of the job. What is the typical salary range for someone in this position?'”

10. Never let negotiations end with a “no.”

If in case you have a job offer or salary increase that is less than what you want, that’s the “Time to start looking for another opportunity. Not so fast.” Say ‘I don’t know if I can take it, but is there any other way, like time off, performance bonuses or something else that could make the package worthwhile?'” Chapman suggests. You might even offer to add some responsibilities to increase its value to the company, or asking about waiving health insurance if you can buy it elsewhere for less.

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