12 Proven Steps to Break ANY Habit in 21 Days – Guaranteed!


The first step in breaking old habits is deciding which new ones to

clothes that you want to create with your vital energy. start asking

yourself these questions:

* How do you want your life to be?

* What clothes do you need to remove?

* What positive clothing do you need to develop to make your

Does life look the way you want it to look?

These desires must be realistic and achievable. What is your

Does your intuition tell you what you should be doing?

Listening to your intuition is one of the smartest ways

things you can do with your vital energy. your intuition

it always guides you in the direction that is perfect for you. He

is that little voice that is not affected by egos, past

faults or opinions of other people. It is your inner guide.


In your journal, take notes on what your intuition tells you.

about strategies and resources that could empower you.


Crystallize your thought. Determine what specific objectives

you want to achieve.

What clothes are you letting go?

What clothes are you creating instead of the old ones?

Your goals should be specific, measurable, and realistic.

To do this, you will need to avoid confusing thoughts, such as “I

I want to lose weight.” What does that really mean? For your

subconscious mind to be able to serve you must receive very

specific addresses.


Develop a sincere desire for the things you want.

Desire is the starting point for all achievement. Is he

greatest motivator of all human action.

Your mind is often more motivated by images and

visualization than with words and written exercises. Tea

right side of your brain is where your creativity comes from,

and feeds on images. Many times the right side of your

brain has priority over the left side, which is nourished by

words. In the past, you may have only written words for

Reach your goals. Add this new dimension to your process.

Draw, cut out or take pictures of whatever you want.

in the life. Put pictures on your fridge, your bathroom

mirror, or any place that reminds your subconscious mind

of your desires to reinforce your objective.

Every thought you have uses electrical energy to print a new

image in your subconscious mind. The efforts of your

subconscious mind are matching the images in your mind with


The more you deliberately plant images of what you want, the more

the faster you will attract him into your life. It’s very important

that you allow yourself to fantasize about what you want in

your life – let your imagination run wild!

To achieve what you want in life, you must think about

he. There are no limits except the ones we set ourselves. This

it’s your life and you’ll be kidding yourself if you don’t go

for whatever you want! You must feel your success before you can

manifest it in reality.


Develop a plan to achieve your goal and a deadline for your

fun. The difference between a “wish” and a “goal” is

that the goal is written. Once you have a clear picture

of what you want in life, your subconscious and conscious mind

they can work together to achieve it.

When you prioritize and focus, you can literally see what

want; this gives you the power of concentration. Deliberate

Concentration is like a laser beam: it can go through any

obstacles in your way.


Distinguish between objectives and activities. A goal is specific

end result you want to manifest in your life. The activities are those

things you do to achieve your goals.

Use the awareness ability and remember the objective. I don’t understand

caught up in activities


Create deadlines for your goals.

Without deadlines, your brain doesn’t have a clear picture of

what you want created. Deadlines have a magical way of

motivating us to produce results.

First write your *one-year* goals on paper, then write

all the activities you will have to do to reach each goal.

Start by asking yourself what is the first activity you

should you do to start working on this goal? Then write each

next activity that will take you closer to the first year



Break down the activities for each goal into 3 month groups

Ask yourself “What are the activities that I should do in the first

three months to reach my goal?” Write them down.

Then think about the activities you will need to follow up on.

the next three months. By breaking down the goals into

manageable, bite-sized pieces, you’ll feel more in control.

The secret is that this divide-and-conquer approach keeps

achieving your goals become overwhelmingly complicated.


Make YOUR goals YOURS.

Time for a reality check. Don’t set yourself a goal

your spouse (or anyone else) wants for you.

Review your current goals to make sure you REALLY meet them

YOUR needs, not someone else’s wishes for you. you never

be successful reaching goals that are not motivated by your

own wishes.

Also, don’t compare your goals to other people’s goals.

you will always fall short. The reality is that we usually

compare our worst traits with another person’s best traits and

we can never win that way.

Let’s recap these 8 steps to setting goals…

* Step 1. Set the realistic and obtainable clothes you want

create with your vital energy.

* Step 2. Crystallize your thought. Determine what *specific*

goals you want to achieve.

* Step 3. Develop a sincere desire for the things you want.

* Step 4. Develop a plan to achieve your goal and a

term for your entertainment.

* Step 5. Distinguish between goals and activities.

* Step 6. Create deadlines for your goals.


Write down your goals as if they had already occurred.

Try writing, “I now weigh ______” not

“I want to weigh ______.”

This helps your subconscious mind to see the end result.

STEP 10.

Build confidence in yourself and your abilities.

Stay “sold by yourself”. Here are some techniques you can


* Listen to motivational CDs and tapes every day in your car or

while changing.

* Make your declarations daily and control your internal dialogue.

* Address each activity without giving any recognition to the

possibility of defeat.

* Focus on your strengths instead of your weaknesses.

* Recognize and honor your personal point of power found in

this moment.

* Develop a determination to follow through on your goals

regardless of obstacles, circumstances or criticism.

STEP 11.

Review your goals monthly.

The first day of the month is the perfect time to set up a

Goal review ritual. This should be the time you can be

honest with yourself about the goals you are truly committed to

and how you can improve your strategies. you must also be

honest with yourself about which goals are just paper dreams if

you’re not really going to pay the price to achieve them.

STEP 12.


Persistence is the real key to successful goal achievement.

Don’t allow yourself to be distracted by excuses about

why things can’t be done Apologies are the enemies of the goal


Instead of going through years of trial and error, you can have

the secrets that have been delivered to you on a silver platter.

It is packed with hundreds of amazing techniques and concepts.

to tear through even the worst clothes, and contains over 179 complete

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I highly recommend you check out the world class PROVEN Habit

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Go and check it out!

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