
Tampa Bay Buccaneers tidbits

Those who live in the Miami area can, worried that they will be rejected from restaurants and country clubs, claim to be Dolphins fans, have growing fins and live underwater in their spare time. But Miami, like any other city in a state with multiple soccer teams, probably has its fair share of Tampa Bay…


Ball collecting robot demystified

Exposing the basics BallPicker is 4 feet wide, 4.5 feet long, and about 1.5 feet high. This 65kg golf ball collecting robot is a specialized golf ball collecting unit powered by two wheels, powered by a rechargeable nickel cadmium battery. The BallPicker can collect between 10,000 and 12,000 golf balls a day! If you are…


How Online Recruitment Agencies Can Help Employers

With the advent of these online recruitment agencies, the life of employers has really changed as they can now hire people without conducting their interviews because they can easily find all the information related to the person on the recruitment agency website. . The most famous recruitment agencies in the world are UK online recruitment…

Home Kitchen

Designing your log house: tips to avoid problems

Almost all log homes are custom designed, whether you’re modifying an inventory plan or starting from scratch. By their very nature, custom floor plans open up a host of unproven challenges, especially if you’re trying to design the house yourself. With almost all log home manufacturers, an in-house architect will take your design and turn…


Calculating your carbon footprint is now easier

Burning gasoline to go to work, run errands, and go out on weekends is not only bad for your wallet, but also for the atmosphere. One of the biggest contributors to the average American’s carbon footprint is driving a car. That’s why the US federal government recently redesigned fuel-saving window decals for new vehicles. The…


Great reasons to use Medicaid

It is always imperative that people have some form of health insurance that they can trust. That way, if certain serious medical difficulties arise, they may have the best way to handle the many bills that will come their way. However, one thing that is often difficult is trying to find a plan that you…


Video game technology: the evolution

The video game industry has become a bastion, not even a crippling economy can bring it down. With $ 64 billion in sales a year, you have to go elsewhere to find an effect from the current economy. Video games have evolved from a fad to a beast that has made war with other hobbies…

Health Fitness

Kettlebell Exercises: A Weight Loss Workout

The kettlebell is an essential piece of training equipment. It’s a cannonball with a handle, plain and simple. There are a variety of weights and sizes to choose from, and there are even some “gummed” colored kettlebell lines due to the growing popularity of kettlebell workouts in Southern California. But what are kettlebell exercises for?…