Legal Law

The debt relief law

What you don’t know about the business of getting out of debt will cost you. The question to ask yourself is how much are you willing to pay for freedom. Simply, the options are (1) pay for everything in the usual way; (2) negotiate a lower amount than you owe through negotiation; (3) consolidation; (4)…

Shopping Product Reviews


Nintendo’s president says Wii is “fun.” You can test it yourself if you live in an area with a store that sells the Nintendo system. The store will offer you a free demo to try for yourself. That is trust. It is also the best way to discover how this extraordinary system works. What can…


7 Staff Tips to Remember as COVID-19 Cases Rise

It’s hard to believe that a second wave of COVID-19 cases is on the rise. This week alone, the number of hospitalized COVID-19 patients increased by 5% in 36 states. Additionally, this week the U.S. reported an average of nearly 70,000 new cases each day (Oct. 20-27). This has been the highest seven-day average so…