
Good breeds of dogs for houses with children

Agile and fast enough to stay out of the way when needed, but cute and cuddly in his own right, our long-haired mixed Papillon chihuahua named Alex, who weighs about five pounds “soaked” at a year of age, is an excellent option for families with young and old children. But crawling babies could be unintentionally…

Real Estate

How to save money on your next tent rental

A special events rental company recently proved it was “just what the doctor ordered” for a Minnesota hospital fundraiser. Event organizers came to our company with a request for a free space rental tent larger than a football field to be erected on the hospital grounds. What seemed like a fairly simple request had a…

Shopping Product Reviews

What is RankBrain?

RankBrain is a part of Google’s core algorithm that uses machine learning and artificial intelligence to help filter millions of search results. RankBrain was announced in late 2015, and this algorithm has become an integral part of how Google determines the most useful and relevant results for search engine queries. The concept of machine learning…