
light requirements for home garden

Leaves must have light Leaves are the food factories of plants, and light is the power that helps them make food from elements in the air and soil. Most plants need many hours of sunlight per day in order to grow successfully. Roses, for example, need at least six hours. Some plants, however, do well…

Health Fitness

your ideal weight

Here’s a question for you: how much do you want to weigh for the rest of your life? Now, I’m usually a bit cynical about weight-shifting programs, since I prefer to measure myself by the way my clothes fit, but my wife is a champion of weight-based programs, and this is By far the most…

Legal Law

Brief Reports 101

Short stories are an exciting field! From the courtroom to the deposition room to the TV broadcast, court reporters, deposition reporters, and captioners make it possible! Court reporting is the way to start a professional career that is crucial to the legal field, challenging and well paid. There are literally global job opportunities waiting for…


10 dog names and their meanings

For some, naming their new pet is one of the most challenging parts of pet ownership. You realize that you and your pet are going to stick with this name for a long time, so take your time choosing. Below is a list of 10 girl dog names along with their meanings. Maybe you’ll find…