
How car mechanics use technology

Do you know why it is important to find a good mechanic or a good repair shop to repair your car? The reason: it could save you hundreds of dollars on parts and labor! When we say a “good mechanic” or a “good shop”, we mean mechanics that are equipped with the latest technology. You…

Health Fitness

Why should I eat organic cereals?

What has made grains enter the food mainstream and why are all food marketers jumping on the bandwagon? There must be something significant that is making each food category compete to include this item in one way or another. From products made for children to items intended for adults going to the gym or the…

Legal Law

Let’s move, even when it’s so hard

I remember when I was at New York University. There was a time when he was 30 pounds heavier than he is now. It was probably the ricotta cheese in my lacto-vegetarian diet or the melted cheese on the pasta and sitting down and practicing the piano and then eating, definitely. 30 pounds is not…