
The healthiest treats to feed your ferrets

When those beady eyes gaze longingly from that adorable furry face, it can be hard to resist the urge to indulge your ferret with whatever temptation the little trickster is trying to provoke in you. But keep in mind that, as with everything in life, moderation is the key; no more than 5% of your…

Tours Travel

Red Farmer Biography

One of the legendary original “Alabama Gang” Charles Lawrence “Red” Farmer was born on October 15, 1932 (his birth year is uncertain) in Nashville, Tennessee, and moved to Miami, Florida with his mother in the mid-1930s. 1940 after his parents departed. It wasn’t until 1958 that Red moved to Hueytown part-time with Bobbie and Donnie…


How companies can prepare for an audit

Introduction Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone to transform India into a developed nation. They are the defibrillators of talent, of innovation. Creativity and entrepreneurial spirit, which is essential for a nation like India to develop economically. Statistics reveal that the contribution of SMEs to industrial production is around 45%, the contribution to…

Home Kitchen

Old kitchens from the 30s, 40s and 50s

1930s: The Steam-Lined Depression-era “Modern Kitchen” By the 1930s, the kitchen was being transformed from the old-fashioned kitchen to the “streamlined modern kitchen” with time-saving features, better organization, and much better ventilation. The “all-electric range” was promoted in popular magazines with numerous advertisements showing newly designed appliances large and small. Blenders were a housewife’s dream…

Digital Marketing

Types of Participants in Marketing Channels

Before a business undertakes the web version of marketing management and any channel partner strategies that are involved, the person in charge must first learn the basics of management training. A marketing channel is a group of exercises and other tasks necessary to transport or move ownership of a product from a certain point of…