Real Estate

Land Trusts: The Answer to Short Sales?

Trading property means liquidating a property for one price and immediately (within minutes, hours, or a day) “trading” or selling the property to another ultimate buyer for a higher price. This is a great situation for a cash-strapped investor, as the investor usually doesn’t even need to come to closing with their own funds. In…


College tuition costs are spiraling

So our children want to fly away from the nest and continue their academic life in college. But with rising costs, can we afford it? Will they have to take part-time jobs to stay afloat, or can we supplement their financial needs with college loans? These are just a few of the questions concerned parents…

Home Kitchen

A green site: what does this mean?

In these difficult economic and environmental challenging times, it is really important that an artist “practices what he preaches”, to borrow a commonly heard adage. Artists, by their very connection to detail and the rawness that allows art to form, find themselves in a position no one else shares. We interpret the world around us…


Treat head lice naturally

When she saw her son running home, looking messy and scratching his scalp so often, she suspected something was in his head that was irritating her. There are lice crawling fast on her scalp! This is just a common scenario of children infested with lice and she wants to find ways to treat lice naturally…


Defense in Depth – Protecting Our Children Online

This term is used quite a bit in cybersecurity, it is the use of multiple security principles and countermeasures to protect information and assets within an organization. I think this same thinking can be used for parents, we can use multi-layered countermeasures to help ensure the safety of our children online. Let’s start with the…