
The Crucible – Hysteria and Panic

The dark witches sing their evil song and dance around the cauldron of fire help us oh god hectate send your rage dogs to avenge us. This is the image of modern paganism or neopaganism. Unfortunately, it is very incorrect, since they worship Hectate, Wiccans are bound not to harm anyone, at least in its…


Specification for the use of surface protection products in historic interiors during construction

Projects involving historic interiors range from the meticulous restoration of a classic movie theater to the renovation of abandoned lofts for new residences. The size of the building, the importance of the interiors, and the scope of work will determine how best to protect interior finishes during construction work. However, all work involving historic buildings…

Home Kitchen

How to organize your medicine cabinet

Just like your own closet, medicine cabinets can sometimes be quite messy, especially if you have a lot of medication stored in it. These days, with the pharmaceutical industry booming, you can find a wide variety of medications being sold for different health conditions. Companies compete with each other as consumers search for the best…

Legal Law

bless me father, bless me

May our Father daily increase our wisdom, love, gratitude, reverence, healing, peace, joy, happiness, laughter and prosperity. In just about 15 seconds I declared my love to you by asking you for these blessings. If you are one of those who does not know the One as Father, I wish you a double portion of…