Real Estate

Property Tax Appeal Process

While home prices are still low, property taxes have reached breaking point across the country. Many local governments have increased property taxes in an attempt to offset declining revenue. According to The Tax Foundation, 3.5 percent of household income went to pay property taxes in 2009, up from 2.9 percent in 2005. Clearly, this is…


Classification of leather uses

Leather has various uses in almost all undertakings and activities of individuals, societies and the nation as a whole. Its immense use cannot be overstated. However, for purposes of easy identification and study, the uses of leather have been classified or grouped into seven, namely, Clothing and articles for the body, War and Defense, Education,…


The desensualization of western culture

Introduction Our culture is being systematically desensualized. We are constantly made to feel guilty for experiencing pleasure. The very definition of the word sensual has been twisted to invoke images of excess, greed, depravity, immorality, or sexual deviance. Delicious food comes with comments and labels like “sinful”, “to die for”, “a moment on the lips,…

Home Kitchen

What are the most popular uses of granite?

Granite is a common igneous rock with a medium to coarse grained texture. It is available in pink and gray tones. Stone is generally hard, resistant, and lacks internal structures, making it useful as a building material throughout history. Granite has a wide range of uses, including: The pyramids: Granite has been used since ancient…


Caravan camping with an Eriba caravan

While caravan camping is an exciting way to travel the world, it’s not always the easiest. Knowing what type of camper to buy can be the hardest part. If you want something lightweight, aerodynamic, and a vehicle that looks retro and cool, you should check out the Eriba camper. This camper was designed by Eric…