Real Estate

Humminbird PiranhaMax 230 Fish Finder User Review

Designed and developed for the part-time angler, the Humminbird PiranhaMax 230 Portable Fish Finder is an ideal replacement for those wanting to step up from factory-fitted fish finders to something with more versatility and improved performance. Manufactured by the US-based Humminbird Company, the Humminbird PiranhaMax 230 Fish Finder is operated at 20 degrees. and 60…

Shopping Product Reviews

samsung galaxy tab

Although the iPad 2 is the undisputed leader in the tablet segment, there are many other devices that deserve more than a second look. For example, there’s Motorola’s Xoom and RIM’s BlackBerry Playbook. However, the most viable alternative seems to be the Samsung Galaxy Tab 10.1. It’s the next evolution after the success of the…

Tours Travel

Spa Treatment Gift Basket

A gift of rejuvenation is an amazing thing to give to a loved one. It means that you really care about their well-being. Spa treatment gift baskets are expected to give your loved ones the Zen spa treatment they desire after a hard day at work. If you don’t know what to get them for…


Top tips for job interview success

Landing your dream job is not an easy task these days. There is a lot of competition out there, and you just have to continually push yourself if you want to live your dreams. Hard work and dedication are the most important attributes for job seekers. However, just these two will not produce the desired…


How to list an all terrain vehicle for sale

When you have large items taking up space in your garage, the natural inclination is to sell them. In the age of the Internet, listing items like an ATV for sale has changed dramatically. A small written ad in the newspaper or a billboard simply won’t do the job in a timely manner. When you…

Digital Marketing

Simple Link Building Tips for 2018

We are already nearing the end of another year where search engine optimization has pushed us in different directions, causing us to focus on the quality that is published online, always doing our best to help you get there. to your audience, increase website traffic and enhance the brand. online visibility. Some of the simple…


Our Veterans Family

“Hey everyone, wake up… get up!” “I’m here!” That was my/our grandfather’s 4:30 am and/or 5:30 wake-up call every time he came into town from New Haven, Connecticut; We loved that cadence! “Ernest (Buster) Boulware”, formerly at 142 Cedar Hill Avenue, New Haven, Connecticut 06511, was the love of my life! “Ernest (Buster) Boulware” was…