Real Estate

Buying Real Estate in Nicaragua

The first step to buying real estate in Nicaragua is to forget everything you know about the process in your home country… no matter where your home is. Let me make one thing clear at the outset. There are incredible offers to buy properties in Nicaragua. In fact, there is no other market in the…

Shopping Product Reviews

Windows mobile app development basics

Application development for Windows Mobile is much closer to traditional desktop programming than it is for other smartphone environments. This is mainly because the same programming tools like Visual Studio can be used to create programs for desktop computers and phones. Let’s take a look at what it takes to be a mobile app developer…


Forget New Year’s resolutions!

There is nothing less life changing than a New Year’s resolution. What may seem like an ideal time for change is an exceptionally bad choice. Most of us break our resolutions within days, if not hours, of the New Year. The problem is not only in our time but in the resolutions themselves. We think…

Home Kitchen

Buy kitchen tiles for your kitchen remodeling

Stone, ceramic, porcelain and vinyl kitchen tiles are all options to consider when redoing your floor. That magazine photo of a granite floor with dark wood cabinets and granite countertops, complete with built-in stacked ovens and an L-shaped kitchen island might tempt you to buy something that won’t be practical for your home or lifestyle….

Legal Law

How to install your new Stampede chain

The stampede chain, what is it? What I mean by stampede rope or cord is the braided horsehair that is attached to a cowboy hat, or other styles of hats as well, to secure the hat on the head. It usually hangs almost to the belt buckle, and is often finished with a horsehair tassel…