
Information Technologies and Textile Industry

Today, information technology (IT) plays a vital role in the field of textile industry. Any manufacturing unit employs four M’s, that is, Men, Material, Machine, and of course, Money. To achieve organizational success, managers must focus on synchronizing all of these factors and developing synergies with the organization’s internal and external operations. With increased competition,…

Home Kitchen

The many uses of porcelain

Porcelain was first discovered in China during the Tang dynasty, which reigned from 618 to 907 AD. Of all the ceramic materials, it took the longest to develop due to the high temperature at which it must be fired. It is made of clay that contains two substances: kaolin and petuntse, the latter only found…


Babies who read and love

As the debate among educators continues over the best time to teach children to read, young babies are proving time and time again that they not only can read, but love to read. Felicity Wong is a good example. A YouTube video shows her reading more than a dozen words just two days after her…

Health Fitness

Soy protein: hidden ingredient, hidden danger

Almost all processed foods in the US contain soy and/or soy protein. Soy protein (concentrated soy) is used to spread meats, emulsify foods, and as a thickener. These uses have transformed the food industry. Foods that never contained soy protein (smoothies, ice cream, frozen potatoes, and baked goods) may now contain it. Most companies list…