
Nagamanathhu Tamburan

“People cannot go through that temple road,” my friend Krishnakumar vented his anger. I asked what exactly happened. “A new person has been appointed as the priest of the temple.” So what! I exclaimed. Krishnakumar took the newspaper from my living room. On the fourth page he showed news about Nagamana, an ancestral house of…


How to Succeed in Network Marketing in 6 Steps

Network marketing is a business model in which participants identify a business and promote its products and services in exchange for commissions and other incentives with the ultimate goal of creating a system stream of residual income. It is a free enterprise concept, allowing participants to build their individual network of marketers and earn as…

Home Kitchen

Meditation room and altar decoration

An immense sense of calm comes over you as you enter your meditation room. Perhaps it’s the smiling Buddha statue or the wall-carved sculptures of Ganesha and Krishna that draw you into your space of spiritual awakening. Sustainable design focuses on using materials such as reclaimed wood that has been repurposed in cabinets and chests…


Thanksgiving Baskets and Gift Ideas

Good gifts to send your loved ones during that special fall holiday are Thanksgiving gift baskets filled with many seasonal fall items. These are easy baskets to choose from or, if you like, assemble your own. Your relatives will certainly be pleased that you thought of them at Thanksgiving, whether or not you were able…

Health Fitness

The ten best ways to beat stress at work

Monday morning is almost everyone’s least favorite part of the week, but this is particularly true if work stress is a problem. Stress increases anxiety and reduces creativity, two factors known to negatively affect enjoyment and productivity in the workplace. Jump into your workday with these top ten ways to beat work stress and greatly…

Lifestyle Fashion

Beauty Tips: Meet These Simple and Effective Tips

The well-known areas where people show their deep interest in collecting information on beauty tips include: body care, eye care, hair: dandruff, hair: healthy and shiny hair, lip care, skin: blackheads, hair: natural conditioners, skin. – Glowing skin, Hair – Premature graying, Skin – Pimples, etc. There are people, especially women, who are always ready…