3 killer YouTube secrets you just need to know!

If you are in business or thinking of starting a business, then printing a few brochures and a pack of business cards is no longer enough. You need to have the ability to connect and build relationships with your audience 24/7, and YouTube is one of several online platforms that allow you to do that and more. However, it is not as simple as launching a video, so let me share with you:

3 YouTube secrets you must know to be seen

YouTube Secrets No. # 1 they target the right audience

If you’ve ever uploaded a video for commercial purposes and you didn’t have a clearly defined picture of your target audience, stop what you’re doing right now and don’t make another video until you understand this concept.

A consumer finds videos by typing a keyword or phrase into the search bar. The YouTube search engine then searches for videos that have been described in the same way and presents them to the consumer as results. This isn’t the only factor that search engines consider, however, the simple fact is that if the search engine doesn’t know what the video is about, then it can’t even include you in the search results.

To ensure that you are included in this type of search, you must target the same keywords that your audience will use to search. To do this, you need to put yourself in the shoes of your audience and ask yourself what the target consumer and potential user of your products or services would be looking for. Think about the problems they might have, what questions they would like to answer, etc. Once you have defined your ideal customer, you can continue answering their potential questions. The responses you come up with are the fuel for your video content and the way to attract the customers you want the most.

YouTube secrets n. 2, get the message right

YouTube is not about the sales pitch. By that, I mean it’s not like a TV infomercial where you go straight to the sale. The psyche of the YouTube audience is different. People on YouTube need to be educated, entertained, and informed. If you can do all three in one video, then great though, your goal should be to leave your viewer with a lasting impact from your video. You want them to go off saying, “Wow! I never knew that!” or, “That’s a great idea! I need to know more!”

You should focus on using the video medium to establish a relationship with each consumer so that they continue to return to your channel over and over again.

If your message can respond to that underlying consumer need, then you have a much higher chance that that consumer will take the next step.

YouTube Secrets No. 3 guide your audience to the next step

Having millions of viewers is great. It can help build a great brand presence and make you feel like a rock star. But rock stars are just stars because they sell millions of albums and have sold world tours. If they didn’t make the sales, they wouldn’t have the money to live those enviable lifestyles and they wouldn’t have the money to create more music and earn more adoration.

Videos should be designed to whet your audience’s appetite, leave them wanting more, and then follow through with the rock star comparison, get them to take the next step, from downloading a single to buying an album and then selling them. to attend one of the places on his world tour. How do you do that? At the end of each video, you need to give a clear call to action on what the next step you want the viewer to take is. If it’s to see the next video in a series, tell them. If it is to follow a link under the video for a free download, tell them, or if you want them to leave a comment below the video or share it with their friends and family, then you need to make that clear.

Your goals should be to obtain people’s name and email address so that you can contact them outside of YouTube to alert them of any offers or promotions in relation to the information they were viewing. You want the email for two reasons.

  1. If for any reason your YouTube account is closed, you will not lose the relationships you have spent time building.
  2. Upon receiving the email, you now have two ways to stay in touch with that person (YouTube and email) so that you can promote your relationship.

There you go; My 3 YouTube Secrets You Just Must Have To Get More Viewers, Build Stronger Relationships, And Get More Clients. Try them today!

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