3 Tips to Instantly Improve Your Quality Score

This is a question that baffles even the best internet marketers… how can I improve my Google Quality Score?

The many changes to Google’s algorithm along with the infamous Google slap have made Google the most feared search engine by marketers, but the fact remains: Google is big, and Google is here to stay. Advertisers would definitely want to side with the all-powerful giant instead of going against it and burning their hands as a result.

Now, a key reason many advertisers have had their account banned from Google AdWords is the fact that Google has issues with the “quality” of the sites that advertisers place on AdWords. However, to this day, Google has kept its quality score formula secret, leaving many advertisers scratching their heads when they see the 1/10 quality score on their faces.

In this article, I would share with you some of the components that make up Google Quality Score and hopefully shed more light on the truth of AdWords.

Tip 1: Know This About Google

The first thing I want you to know: Google wants you to advertise with them.

Yes, this may sound contrary to your experience, when you have read about the many suspended accounts, the low quality score, the ads not showing, etc.

But I must point out that Google absolutely cares about you advertising with them, especially in the long term. It’s just that Google wants to protect its users and wants to give them the best possible user experience, which is why they are willing to stop some ads from serving while thousands of others are still active. Google doesn’t care about “losing a battle to win the war.”

So, with that being said, know that it is possible for you to succeed in AdWords and still get a quality score of ten (or at least a 7) if you follow Google’s rules.

Tip 2: Happy

Give Google what it wants and you can get what you want. Google wants content-rich sites, with fresh content for their users. So do not tear stuff from other people’s sites (like merchants) to your site. Create your own content.

Tip 3: There is no longer a single site landing page

Next, if you’re an affiliate, know that one page landing pages don’t work anymore. Google will crack down on affiliates who use one-page landing pages that act as a “bridge” to the merchant’s site. So one tip for you is that you can build your landing pages using a blog, like WordPress or Blogger, and create new content (see my repetition?), and then drive traffic to the merchant’s site from there.

Google doesn’t like repeated content in its search results, so provide content that is as unique as possible and you’ll be set to win.

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