8 Easy Ways to Quickly Improve Website Typography

Typography, or the way text looks on a website, is a crucial component of website design. Too many designers ignore typography, creating text that is difficult or impossible for visitors to read. If you are looking for quick and easy ways to improve the typography of your website, use the following tips.

Increase text contrast

It is very common for light gray text to be used on a white background or for dark text to be used on a darker background. This makes it much harder to read, even if it looks great. Instead, increase the amount of contrast between the text and the background. This helps it stand out more, making it easier for anyone to read it.

Correct the spacing between words and lines

Headlines should have tighter letter and word spacing, but only a small amount. This helps prevent the letters from being separated by the amount of white space around the header. In the text, words and letters can be spaced a bit more, making it easier to read. The lines must also be properly spaced. Too close together makes the text unreadable and too far apart introduces too many white spaces.

Choose the correct line length

The length of a line can make the text easier or harder to read. If it’s too long or too short, most people won’t read it. Instead, keep the line length between 60 and 65 characters. Make sure the line length is consistent throughout the text, with the exception of offset quotes that are indented from the text.

Keep the styles genuine

Fake italics, bold words, and more will end up interrupting the flow of the text and causing problems with readability. Instead, use genuine styles, and if this is not possible, create an emphasis on alternative forms rather than trying to fake them. Use color instead of italic or bold, for example, instead of changing the font or slanting the word to appear italic.

Separate words between lines correctly

When a word doesn’t fit the length of the chosen line, make sure to break it correctly. Don’t just skip and put the word on the next line, as this leaves blank spaces in the middle of the text, which can be distracting and difficult to read. Instead, use a hyphen to split the word in half, placing the first half at the end of the line and the second half at the beginning of the next. This keeps the length of the line of text consistent, which makes it look nicer and easier to read.

Use a minimum number of fonts

Keep the number of fonts in the text to a minimum. It might look great to have one font for the title and another that’s easier to read for the main text, but there shouldn’t be a bunch of different fonts used throughout the text. Each paragraph should not have a different font, and words or phrases can be emphasized without having to change the font. Leave the text itself as a single font, as this makes it easier for visitors to read and gives a cleaner impression to viewers.

Opt for standard fonts

Standard fonts are a much better option, as they are more familiar to visitors and easier to read. The font will likely be sized for headings, text, subheadings, and more, so make sure the text is easy to read no matter what size it is. Also, remember that fonts look smaller on smartphones and tablets than they do on computers, so opt for a font that is still easy to read when viewed on these devices. Fancy fonts can look amazing, but they will be very hard to read when they are small.

Avoid all caps

Using all caps is not a way to get someone’s attention. It is similar to yelling through the computer. Avoid using capital letters, even to emphasize a point. It’s much better to emphasize by italicizing or bolding specific words rather than using all caps and making it seem like the writer is yelling at the readers.

While the content of your website text is crucial, the content doesn’t matter at all if it’s unreadable. It won’t matter how much time you spent creating the perfect content if visitors find it difficult to read and leave your website before reading the first paragraph. Make sure your visitors can read the content you create and get the information you want them to have. Keep it simple, as this is the best way to improve readability and ensure viewers stick around long enough to read your content. Use these tips today to improve your website’s typography quickly and easily.

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