ACTION!: The difference between dreamers and achievers!

Most people, at some point or another, perceive, conceive and believe in certain dreams, which are meaningful to them! Likewise, when someone in a leadership position proceeds with the necessary degree of discipline, commitment, and personal vision, he begins to earn the right to be considered a leader! However, unless you proactively do something about it, little of significance happens to your organization and, once again, we are witnessing another case, ending, at the very least, more than empty promises and rhetoric. Even when the individual is sincere and well-intentioned, achieving something that could hopefully make a relevant and sustainable difference, for the better, clear, well-considered decisions need to be made, VALUES, in order to meet and exceed objectives. With that in mind, this article will briefly try to consider, examine, review and discuss, using the mnemonic approach, what this means and represents, and why it is important.

1. Attention; fitness; articulate; attitude; action plan: A true leader must be ready, willing, and able to pay close attention to the needs of their group and their strengths, weaknesses, obstacles, and challenges! It takes discipline and commitment to gain a relevant aptitude and skill set to align one’s dreams with achievement! This is only possible when someone consistently proceeds with a true, positive, can-do attitude and openly articulates an inspiring and motivating message to those they serve and represent! From an objective assessment, including whether the organization’s mission is still relevant, etc., groups generally benefit when they regularly use strategic planning to perceive and conceive, create and implement, the best action possible. plan, for the specific organization, at this point, in time!

two. character; exchange; creative; coordinator: One must possess a true quality of character, that puts the best interests of the group, and constitutes, ahead of any personal/political agenda, and/or self-interest! Change is of little use unless it makes a difference, for the better! The alignment of creative alternatives, with time-tested approaches, allows someone to coordinate activities, to the best of their ability!

3. Prompt; time tested; trends: When one clearly knows, recognizes and understands the relevant trends and is professionally trained to know the time-tested principles, etc., and aligns that, with the self-confidence and ability to proceed, in a well-considered, timely manner !

Four. Integrity; innovate; imagination; instincts; intentions: Great leaders must possess, in addition to being perceived as possessing, absolute and genuine integrity, especially when doing so may not be convenient! They need significant imagination and a willingness to innovate, when it is in the best interest of the group! When one hone your skill – setand service-oriented, intentions, he has the best chance to transform dreams into relevant actions!

5. Options; opportunities; organize; open minded: The willingness and ability to consider various options and alternatives, with an open mind, increases the possibilities, potential and opportunities to make real, necessary change, for the better! How the details are organized, differentiate between being possible and more likely!

6. Requirements: Leading and making decisions should focus on the needs, goals, priorities and perceptions of stakeholders and never on the leader’s personal/political agenda and/or self-interest!

Taking well – considerate, VALUES, is the only way, consistently and reliably, to transform dreams into achievements. Are you up to the task?

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