Are you a worry wart? How to break free and get your life back

“Worry doesn’t help tomorrow’s problems, but it ruins today’s happiness.”

~ Unknown

You feel it creeping up on you like a bad dream. With one little thought, it starts in the pit of your stomach like a flutter and quickly turns into a debilitating fear. You can’t move. You can not breathing. You are caught in a trap, hostage to your life…

Why do we worry? Why do we spend so much time thinking about the worst possible outcome of a situation, only to realize that our fears were completely unfounded? Why do we entertain those bloody “what ifs”?

– What happens if I have a car accident?

– What happens if I lose my job?

– What happens if I lose my house?

– What happens if I get sick and can’t pay the bills?

– What happens if my husband/wife leaves me?

– What if I fail?

There are 2 results of worrying:

1. You have worried about nothing because your worst worry did not come true

2. You have worried so much that your worst worry came true.

In either scenario, you’ve wasted a lot of precious time and happiness worrying. You have made yourself and no doubt many people around you miserable.

Worrying is learned behavior, a habitual way of thinking and being. If you understand the Law of Attraction, consider that your constant worrying can actually cause what you’re worried about. If that doesn’t stop you in your tracks, then what I’m about to share won’t help you.

our concerns

Most of what worries us is out of our control because it involves other people or situations. You can’t change other people or make things happen when it’s someone other than you. This is wasted worry time.

Another major item of concern falls into the “unnecessary” category. This includes what other people think of us, what’s for dinner, what to wear, being late, arguments and conflicts that haven’t happened…you get the picture.

Less than 5% of what we worry about are things we have control over.

“There’s a big difference between worry and worry. A worried person sees a problem, and a worried person solves a problem.”>~Harold Stephens

Break free and reclaim your life

Considering that time is the only commodity you can’t buy, rent, trade, or borrow, doesn’t it make sense to claim as much of this asset as possible? How do you do that? Take a different approach to your concerns:

1. Release worries you have no control over

Have you ever been worried about a loved one who is seriously ill or has had an accident? This is an example of not having control over the result. Does your concern learn this lesson? Probably not. However, since you have 2 options for what to think about (worry or positive belief), consider choosing to believe that everything will be okay. this will You feel better and send positive energy to the other person.

2. Face your worry head on.

For those situations that you do have control over, you have the power to solve the problem that keeps you awake with worry. Face the problem head on. What are some possible solutions? Simply putting yourself in problem solving mode will eliminate or alleviate your anxiety.

3. Take action

You just thought of some solutions. If you have to make a decision, make it. It is likely that after making a decision, some type of action will be required. Take that first step towards your solution. You will discover that what you were worried about was not worth it after all. Action is the antidote to fear and worry.

4. Relax

Worry creates an incredible amount of tension in your body. Tension and stress, when given free rein, can lead to illness. Making a conscious effort to relax is one of the easiest ways to banish worry. Practice deep breathing by closing your eyes and taking deep breaths for a couple of minutes. Clear your mind of worries and repeat “relax” to yourself. In just a few minutes you will feel the tension leaving your body.

5. Write it down

Journaling is one of the best therapeutic tools available to us. Write down what worries you and all your possible solutions. For your heart on the pages. This is equivalent to sharing with a good friend, except it prevents someone from stating their fears, which of course keeps them in worry mode. As you begin to write, you will discover that your worries are not as serious as you think. You’ll feel better and be ready to move on.

6. Take care

Get enough sleep, eat healthy foods, drink lots of water, and exercise. What does this have to do with worry? A healthy body is better equipped to deal with the unexpected, thinks creatively, and has stronger mental power. Which brings us to…

7. Engage your brain

We have a remarkable power of ‘thought’. In fact, we are discovering to what extent our thoughts create our reality. When you find yourself worried, immediately replace that worry with thoughts of the best possible outcome. Distract your brain by immersing yourself in positive books, audios and programs or listen to music that makes you feel good. You can only have one thought at a time: choose one that gives you power over one that doesn’t feel good.

Like learning to ride a bike, this may seem awkward at first. However, very soon it will become a habitual way of thinking that will help you break free of the cycle of worries and get your life back on track.

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