Article Marketing Tips: Using Keywords in Ezine Articles

Writing ezine articles is one of the best ways to drive more traffic to your website. Three of the advantages of article marketing are:

1.It’s free;

2.It’s simple;

3. It is effective.

So a technique that is free, simple and really works. Are you waiting for a joke that tells you that there is a big downside? Well, you can breathe easy. There is no such joke. All you need to author an article in an ezine is a reasonable knowledge of spelling and grammar, plus a willingness to spend some time researching and writing articles.

There is no mystery about article writing. Anyone who can write coherently in plain English can do it. Writing articles as a marketing tool requires an additional ingredient. To use ezine writing successfully as a means of driving traffic to your website, you also need to know the proper way to use keywords in your articles. An article with no relevant keywords or a poor keyword framework has limited use as a promotional tool.

Here are three things to keep in mind about using keywords in articles:

1. First of all, you need to choose your keywords wisely by choosing keywords or phrases that get regular searches but don’t have millions of web pages competing for that search term.

2. Second, you need to make sure that the keywords are relevant to your landing page.

3. Lastly, you must learn how to use keywords in your articles.

One thing you should avoid is what is known as “keyword spamming”. This refers to the practice of overusing a keyword with the intention of attracting search engines. How does a search engine determine author intent? Since even Google hasn’t yet developed a way to read minds, search engines have to rely on mathematical ways to search for your secret thoughts. The life of item sellers is made a bit more complicated by the fact that we don’t know how these algorithms work. We have to operate with best guesses.

The current best guess is “less is more”. The optimal recommended keyword density is about 1% – 2%. That sounds very low. However, if you take a 500 word article that consists of four paragraphs, 1% density equates to once per paragraph and once in the title. If you’re using only one word, it might seem quite natural to use it a little more often. However, if you’re writing around a five-word keyword phrase, your article will likely read strangely if the phrase is used more than once in each paragraph.

Use synonyms to avoid overusing your main keyword. You can also use more than one keyword. It is much better to use a primary keyword phrase plus a secondary phrase and keep both at a density of no more than 1%.

The best way to use your keyword is to use it in the title of your article, in the first and last paragraph, and two or three times in the rest of the body of the article (which will adjust according to the number of words). The most important thing is to write in a way that sounds natural.

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