Baby Boomers: 4 elements of a healthy lifestyle

For anyone born during the Post World War II Era, up to the Vietnam Era, they have been automatically labeled a Baby Boomer. This generation has proven to be the largest in quite some time, and as they age, more emphasis has been placed on becoming much healthier.

Baby Boomers have seen the toll that hard work, lack of adequate sleep, and poor nutrition have taken on generations of their parents and grandparents, and this has been a motivation to make a difference in lifestyle choices in general.

First of all, everything we do to our body has some kind of impact, be it positive or negative. But what we eat can sometimes help us improve our quality of life, and make it possible to add several years to our lives. Good nutrition is important because it can release antioxidants for heart health or help us feel more energized so we can engage in more activity throughout the day.

As long as we practice good nutrition, the next step would be to exercise. Whether you hit the gym every day of the week or just walk a mile a couple of days a week, physical activity has proven benefits, especially for people over the age of forty. Getting the body moving increases blood flow for heart health, releases endorphins for mental health, and allows the body to sweat, releasing toxins that are extremely bad for your skin and other organs.

Another item Baby Boomers need to consider is the impact of cigarettes and alcohol on personal health. This generation grew up in an era where smoking several cigarettes a day was not given much thought, and drinking alcohol was commonplace in many households. It seems like such obvious advice, but quitting smoking and limiting the amount of alcohol you consume can really add years to your life. But really, the way you feel will improve one hundred percent.

The last element of a healthy lifestyle for Baby Boomers would be a good night’s sleep. Too often, working adults feel like they can get through the day with just a few hours and be just fine. What they don’t realize, however, is that even though they may function in the office, that doesn’t mean this behavior is healthy.

Looking and feeling great involves taking care of your body, and taking the time to relax and fall asleep in a timely manner often falls by the wayside. But many of this generation are starting to realize the need for sleep and are taking steps to ensure they fall asleep quickly at a decent hour, so they wake up feeling refreshed and ready for the day.

Unlike exercise, nutrition, and quitting smoking and drinking, you don’t have to do much to practice this health approach. All you need is to lie down in bed and fall into a deep sleep, and years will be added to your life.

By combining all these positive behaviors, the Baby Boomer generation will prove that they will live much longer than the average age of their parents and grandparents. All it takes is four positive steps.

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