Bullfighting: culture or cruelty?

According to the World Society for the Protection of Animals, in Latin America and Europe together, approximately 250,000 bulls die each year. Are these bulls prey to a deadly virus, perhaps? far from there Bulls are tortured and killed for the sake of entertainment. Have we evolved since Roman times?

The latest surveys show that more than 72% of Spanish citizens have no interest in bullfighting, however, due to a small group of influential people in Spain, this inhumane tradition is kept alive. Fortunately, in Europe and Latin America, a growing segment of the population opposes bullfighting and calls for an end to this cruel spectacle.

Here to talk about bullfighting and what we can do to help is Alyx Dow, Program Officer (Anti-Bullfighting) at the World Society for the Protection of Animals (WSPA).

Thanks for this interview, Alyx. Could you start by giving us some historical information about how bullfighting started? Where are you from?

There isn’t much specific information about how or where bullfighting began, but it is believed to date back to Roman times, when many different species of animals were killed for entertainment in public arenas.

Bulls were also slaughtered for religious purposes, and more recently, bullfights were (and often still are) held on Sundays as part of Christian saints’ festivals.

Most people associate bullfighting with Spain. Apart from Spain, what other countries practice bullfighting?

Within Europe, bullfighting can be found in Spain, France, and Portugal. Approximately 40,000 bulls are killed in bullfights each year in Europe.

In Latin America, bullfighting can be found in Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela. ‘Bloodless’ bullfights can also be found in the United States. Approximately 210,000 bulls in bullfights are killed each year in Latin America.

Does bullfighting differ by country? If so, how?

There are 3 types of bullfighting ‘styles’: Spanish, French and Portuguese. The Spanish version is the most common in both Europe and Latin America. The bulls are killed in both the Spanish and Portuguese versions, although in the Portuguese style it happens behind the scenes, after the bullfight is over. The French style does not lead to the death of the bull but is also very stressful for the animals involved.

Many people are unaware of what really happens during a bullfight. They have a simple, even romantic image of a bullfighter taunting a bull and a final sword stroke killing the animal. What exactly happens during a bullfight?

In the Spanish style, which is the most common, there are 3 stages:

1. After the bull enters the ring, the bullfighters wave capes so that the bull charges several times. It is followed by the entrance of the picadors on horseback, who stick a long spear into the bull’s back. Both short stages are designed to tire the bull and weaken the neck and shoulder muscles, causing it to drop its head. There is also a significant risk to the horses involved: although they wear padding, the experience is very stressful for them and can cause serious or fatal injuries.

2. Men called banderilleros enter the ring and use weapons called banderillas (colorful short spears with harpoon tips) that further weaken the bull when stabbed into the bull’s upper back. At this point, the bull has lost a significant amount of blood and is exhausted.

3. Enter the matador with cape and sword. Pulling the bull further with several runs into the cape, the matador plunges his sword into the bull’s back, intending to sever the aorta. The sword often misses, piercing the lungs and the bull drowning in his own blood, as can be seen when bulls are often seen with blood oozing from their noses and mouths at the end. If the bull does not die quickly, a small knife is used to cut the spinal cord at the neck. If the crowd deems it a “good” kill, the matador receives the bull’s ears and tail which he cuts off himself (the bull is often still alive during this).

The entire process takes approximately 20 minutes, and the bull dies an agonizing and torturous death.

Despite the fact that bullfighting is a cruel and inhumane tradition, many people -not only Spaniards- attend this show. Why do you think this is and what does this say about human nature?

Within bullfighting countries there is a small but strong following that keeps bullfighting alive, largely based on the claim that it is part of the country’s culture. All bullfighting countries have a fascinating history, with a rich culture that they should be proud of. However, the evidence shows us that the majority of citizens in these countries do not want animal cruelty to be part of their heritage. As with the UK fox hunting ban, citizens are talking about the importance of animal welfare over an archaic ‘tradition’ that is neither necessary nor humane.

The latest surveys in Spain show us that more than 72% of Spaniards have no interest in bullfighting. This rises to more than 80% in the autonomous community of Catalonia. Anti-bullfighting sentiment is growing throughout Europe and Latin America: people oppose the protection of bullfighting as part of the national heritage and call for an end to this cruel spectacle.

Furthermore, WSPA believes that culture is no excuse for cruelty, no matter where in the world it happens or the reason behind it.

Unfortunately, a lot of support also comes from tourism; again because tourists are led to believe that bullfighting is part of a particular country. They are unknowingly supporting a moribund industry that thrives on the torture of an animal: many leave fights shocked and disturbed by what they have witnessed, which is simply animal cruelty for entertainment’s sake.

What arguments do bullfighting use to defend their tradition?

They use many arguments to defend the show, especially in reference to culture and the economy. You can read more about these ongoing debates at Bullfightingfreeeurope.org, a website sponsored by WSPA and ten other animal protection groups across Europe.

What is WSPA doing to end bullfighting? Have there been significant developments in recent years?

In Catalonia, WSPA is running its Culture Without Cruelty campaign with member society ADDA, and there have been a number of successes in the region in recent years. 47 municipalities, including Barcelona, ​​have declared themselves anti-bullfighting. You can sign our petition, calling for a ban on bullfighting in Catalonia, on our WSPA website.

In Spain, WSPA is supporting the work of its member society, Stopourshame.com, which is working to end national subsidies (financed by Spanish taxpayers) given to the bullfighting industry, which total a staggering €530 million a year.

In France, 3 municipalities have recently declared their anti-bullfighting status. You can find out more at Anticorrida.com.

WSPA is also working closely with an alliance of ten other animal protection organizations from across Europe to address the problem at the European level. Currently, the EU provides subsidies (financed by EU taxpayers) to breeders of fighting bulls, as part of its annual system of agricultural subsidies. We recently held a series of events in Brussels at the European Parliament to highlight this problem and call on parliamentarians and the Commission to end these subsidies. You can find more information at Bullfightingfreeeurope.org

In Latin America, many of the WSPA member societies are working to ban bullfighting throughout the region. The first two anti-bullfighting municipalities in the region have recently been declared. In Medellín, Colombia, the first group of anti-bullfighting municipal councilors has been established. You can keep up with the latest developments on the WSPA International website.

What is the position of Spain?

In Spain, there is a small group of powerful and influential people behind the bullfighting industry that keep it alive. Bullrings are suffering from declining attendance and a lack of patience from the public in terms of their growing awareness of animal welfare. Unfortunately, government officials are often hesitant to speak out against the show; as was the case a few years ago with fox hunting in the UK. However, the Spanish are telling us that they have had enough, as evidenced by Catalonia and the Canary Islands (which have also banned bullfighting), and by the recent ban on broadcasting bullfights on state television, after claiming it is too violent for children. We believe that it is time for the government to listen to its citizens and definitively end bullfighting in Spain.

Do you think Spain will outlaw bullfighting any time soon?

Based on the public opinion polls that have been conducted, the decline in attendance at bullfights, as well as the achievements of recent years in obtaining anti-bullfighting statements, we are certain that bullfighting is a dying industry that is destined to be banned in the near future.

Is there a way to modify bullfighting to make it a human practice?

No, the practice would still involve placing an animal in an unnatural situation that causes it stress and anxiety, for the sake of entertainment. WSPA wants to see an end to bullfighting around the world, in all its forms.

What can we Spaniards do to help put an end to bullfighting in Spain?

Spaniards can help end bullfighting in their country by writing to their local politicians and high-level officials within the government, expressing their desire for an end to national subsidies to the bullfighting industry, and for a national legislative ban on bullfighting in Spain. They can also avoid attending bullfights and spread the word to their friends and family.

You can also sign our petition to get a ban in Catalonia which can be found on the WSPA website.

Another way to help is to support your local animal welfare organizations, either through donations or by attending peaceful events calling on the government to end bullfighting.

Is there anything else you would like to say to our readers?

WSPA is also campaigning for a Universal Declaration on Animal Welfare (UDAW) at the United Nations – international recognition that animals matter and governments should do more to protect them. Such an agreement would help us talk to governments about issues like bullfighting. You can sign the petition for support at Animalsmatter.org.

Thank you very much for taking the time to answer my questions on this important subject. I would like to end this interview by quoting some wise words from Mahatma Gandhi: “The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.”

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