Health Fitness

Building the perfect male body

Let’s face it, you will never see big bodybuilders starring in Hollywood action movies anymore. This is because this appearance is ‘trying hard’ and is not considered desirable for women. Today, action stars are leaner but still muscular. They have a GQ style in which they look great with suits and fancy clothes because they…

Health Fitness

How to lose weight without pain?

Is it possible to lose weight without dieting and exercising? Is there a magic pill that will help you lose weight without any effort? You know the answer. It’s not possible. When it comes to a weight loss discussion, there is always effort involved. The first thing that comes to mind is dieting. If I…

Health Fitness

What diet is good for a marathon?

Nutrition is often an overlooked element of marathon training. The right nutrition plan will make those long training runs look so much easier! Food is your source of energy. All foods are made up of carbohydrates, protein, fat, and fiber. Carbohydrates are linked to energy production, complete proteins are linked to tissue repair and building,…

Health Fitness

Tips for a good sleep

Have you ever thought what it would be like to wake up rejuvenated and full of energy every day? An adult requires between six and nine hours of sleep every day. For a healthy lifestyle, sleep is the most important aspect as it refreshes, restores and rejuvenates. It can be said that it acts as…

Health Fitness

Ketogenic Diet

While nowhere near as well known as it was in the ’90s, when the Atkins diet was seemingly inescapable, low-starch ketogenic eating methodologies are still deeply regarded in many circles as compelling and viable weight loss diets. The following tips will help you maximize your success on a ketogenic diet. 1.) Drink large amounts of…