Home Kitchen

Dry Cleaning Tips

Most of the things we use are cleaned by machine or by hand. However, delicate fabrics or garments with detailed embellishments are supposed to be maintained by dry cleaning. Dry cleaning, like other maintenance methods, is helpful in extending the life of materials. Some of us tend to put some clothes away without cleaning them…

Home Kitchen

How should I light my kitchen?

Working at Home Depot in Lighting/Electrical, I am frequently asked this question. Many people are renovating or redesigning the space that has become the central family area these days. Families no longer sit formally at the dining table in a dining room. Today, family members often come and go, have snacks, and it is not…

Home Kitchen

DIY Tips for Replacing Hinges

Many think that replacing hinges is easy. While this may be true in most cases, there may be some cases where replacing a hinge becomes a major task. There are many variables that need to be considered when it comes to replacing hinges. No need to call a contractor as there are only a few…

Home Kitchen

The many uses of porcelain

Porcelain was first discovered in China during the Tang dynasty, which reigned from 618 to 907 AD. Of all the ceramic materials, it took the longest to develop due to the high temperature at which it must be fired. It is made of clay that contains two substances: kaolin and petuntse, the latter only found…